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We design customised programmes and workshops to

- help your organisation become more agile & innovative - build innovation capability (culture, people, process, system)

- make innovation happen (launch new businesses, products, services, change your business model) and sustain growth


Accomplish in a few hours, days or weeks what would normally take months or years by leveraging on latest methodologies such as agile, human-centred design and lean startup practices. 

Leading Innovation - Mindset & Tools

Leading Innovation - Mindset & Tools

Understand what it takes to lead innovation in the fast pace environment we live in. Understand how leading organisations defy the odds of successfully bringing innovation to life and continuously adapt and sustain growth. Understand the mindset, minimal viable capability and latest methodologies and tools you need to innovate, solve any problem or pursue the right opportunities i.e. embed innovation into the core of your organisation.

Design your Innovation Strategy

Design your Innovation Strategy

Innovation starts with a clear intent & direction. No point sprinting ahead with innovation opportunities if you are running in the wrong direction. Clarity, consensus and alignment around what innovation opportunities we should go after is critical. This workshop will help you co-design the right strategy and underlying innovation portfolio to ensure you focus your resources on the right opportunities to sustain growth.

Innovation Management

Innovation Management

How should you manage innovation? How do you build the right capability to support your innovation ambitions. Participants will zoom in on the Innovation Management agenda and learn how to implement a simple Innovation Management Roadmap to design and implement the minimal culture and capability (people, process and systems) needed to drive sustainable change and make innovation happen.

Innovation Challenges & Workshops

Innovation Challenges & Workshops

You have all the insights and skills you need internally to come up with a range of new ideas and concepts. Our Innovation Challenges are a fantastic way to tap into the collective wisdom of your people to generate new ideas and concepts. More importantly they are a fantastic way to build a culture of collaboration, agility and innovation within your organisation. Whether you do this as a team building exercise or as a formal ideation technique, Innovation Challenges prove extremely effective.

Business Model Innovation

Business Model Innovation

Discover pockets of hidden value by revisiting your business model. True innovation starts here. About time we all align around a common model and start creating value. This Business Model Innovation workshop will help you formalise how your business creates, delivers and captures value and frame and prototype new business models using design thinking, customer development, and lean start-up methodologies.

New Products, Services & Experiences

New Products, Services & Experiences

Launching new products, services and experiences for your customers does not have to take 3 years and cost millions. Leverage on the latest innovation methods to accelerate time to value and introduce new and winning value propositions out there. This program (series of workshops & coaching) will help you adopt the latest skills and methods applied at scale in agile and innovative organisations out there.

Pretotyping & Prototyping

Pretotyping & Prototyping

Do you experiment enough in your organisation? Do you have a culture of experimentation, pretotyping, prototyping? This Program will provide you with a structured process to do this. Ultimately it will provide you with the capability to learn quickly and fail cheaply (reduce the risk of failure and cost of failure by validating the riskiest hypothesis). An experimentation Capability will help you adopt technology, transform your business model, introduce new value propositions with limited risk.



In the world we live in, it is simply not enough any more to have a good concept, a good team, a good idea if you are unable to inspire and ignite others around your vision. Wheter you are submitting a new proposal, the startup pitch, it will all come down to your ability to pitch it and convey an persuasive and inspiring story. Life is a pitch, and pitching a skill you cannot ignore anymore.

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